We thought we’d give you this information once more. We only offer outcall escorts. It’s amazing just how many times we get asked whether we have in call girls available. We realise that all of the girls we represent are indeed tantalisingly beautiful and you’d love to go knocking on their doors, but the fact is, they don’t want you to!

How come they’re only outcall?
We only represent outcall escorts because these girls either can’t or won’t offer incalls. If they can’t, it’s usually because they don’t live in a central area or in an appropriate apartment to accept incall visitors. They could live with family members or friends who don’t know about their escorting career. Some of the girls simply want to keep their location secret and would rather keep as much distance between their escort career and their everyday life as possible. There are girls with regular jobs at certain times during the day and/or night.

Someone has to represent the outcall escorts
You see, there aren’t that many agencies in Kuala Lumpur that actually will represent girls who only offer outcall services. So we decided long ago to be one of the only agencies that represent only outcall escorts. Now practically every girl in Kuala Lumpur who doesn’t want to or can’t offer incalls, is listed with KL Escort Babe ! And this makes us very happy indeed! We are proud to be doing what we do.

All our girls are professionals, and because they only offer outcalls, this makes them very good at it indeed. You can always expect your chosen girl on time, looking perfect and ready to entertain. We wouldn’t have our girls any other way. Many of them use drivers too, so you can count on them being there on time. It all depends on where you want them to get to of course. These young ladies can get to you anywhere in Central of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor state.